Lesson 1 : English conversation between three friends! & MOC Test

Subhajit Dutta
3 min readApr 14, 2023


Lesson 1 : English conversation between three friends! & MOC Test

Subha: Hey guys, what’s up?

Ratan: Not much, just hanging out. How about you?

Pappu: I’m doing pretty well. Thanks for asking.

Subha: So, have you guys heard about the new restaurant that just opened up downtown?

Ratan: No, I haven’t. What’s it called?

Subha: It’s called “The Rusty Spoon”. I heard their food is amazing.

Pappu: That sounds interesting. What kind of food do they serve?

Subha: It’s a fusion of Italian and Asian cuisine. They have everything from sushi to pasta.

Ratan: Sounds like my kind of place. When do you want to go?

Pappu: How about this weekend? I’m free on Saturday.

Subha: Saturday works for me too. What time should we meet up?

Ratan: How about we aim for 7 pm? That way we can catch the sunset while we eat.

Pappu: Sounds perfect. I can’t wait to try their food.

Subha: Me neither. It’s been a while since we’ve had a good meal together.

Ratan: Agreed. I’m looking forward to it.

The three friends continue chatting about their plans for the weekend and catching up on each other’s lives.

Subha: What are you doing this weekend?

Ratan: I’m going to go visit my cousin in San Francisco. He has a new baby and I haven’t seen him in months.

Pappu: That sounds like fun. When do you leave?

Ratan: This afternoon actually.

Subha: Hey, speaking of good food and catching up, I’m happy to report that my friend got a promotion at work.

Ratan: That’s great news! What does this mean for him?

Subha: He’ll be getting more money and responsibility for his job.

The next day, Subha sends a text message to his friends letting them know that he’s going to be late and will meet them at 8 pm instead. He apologizes for the inconvenience and promises that they’ll make up for it with dessert.

Subha: So, will we meet up at the restaurant or is someone going to pick up the other two?

Pappu: I’m not sure. Let me text them and see what they say.

Ratan: That would be great, thanks!

Subha: Great.

Subha: Hey guys, I have another question.

Ratan: What’s up?

Pappu: Shoot.

Subha: There’s this new restaurant that just opened up in the neighbourhood where I live. It has a really good reputation for its pizza and pasta dishes. Do either of you know if it’s any good?

Ratan: I’ve never heard of it before, but if it has great reviews then maybe we should check it out sometime soon!

Subha: That would be great, thanks!

Ratan: Let me know if the other two say anything.

Pappu: I’ll let you know.

Pappu: Yeah, it sounds like a great place to try out. Maybe we can meet up at the restaurant or is someone going to pick up the other two?

Ratan: I’m not sure. Let me text them and see what they say.

Subha: That sounds great. What do you think,

Pappu: I agree. Let’s go there next week! I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never been there before.

Subha: Well, I think we should go sometime! Maybe this weekend?

Ratan: That sounds great! When do you want to meet up?

Pappu: I don’t have any plans right now so anytime would be fine with me.

Subha: Do you think it’s okay if I ask each of you to pay for yourselves?

Ratan: That sounds fine. What about you, Pappu? Do you have any other plans tonight?

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Subhajit Dutta

I am a freelancer, love to make attractive designs, Websites, Graphics and so on